Sunday, January 22, 2012


So, I realized that on my link to my fanfiction page it does not work so if you want to get on it here is the link on Fanfiction!

Fanfiction friday!

Hey guys! I have been writing a fanfiction of warriors and I would like to share it on here too! If you have not read the warrior series this may not make sense, if you would like to read this I would be glad! :) Enjoy!



Leader- Stormstar- Strong gray tom

Deputy- Sliverheart- Light gray she- cat


Brightflame- Bright orange tom – mentor to Graypaw

Sablestrom- calico she- cat with green eyes who is kind and hyper- mentor to Lightpaw

Honeyspots - pretty golden she-cat with amber eyes

Lionstreak- strong golden brown and orange tom

Shimmerstorm- bright silver she- cat with blue eyes

Spottedtail- Brown, black, and orange spotted tom- mentor to Firepaw


Graypaw- Gray tom

Lightpaw- White she- cat

Firepaw- Red tom

Moonshade- Black she-cat


Shimmersky- calm gray she- cat

Whispereyes- white she- cat


Longmouth- old gray tom with a long mouth

Mousewing- Short tempered orange she- cat


Leader- Soulstar- silver she- cat with bright blue eyes

Deputy- Poppyheart- Orange and brown tom


Blazeeyes- Strong orange tom- mentor to Mistpaw

Raventail- pure black slick tom

Brightwing- Orange she- cat- mentor to Blackpaw

Smallpool- small tabby she-cat


Heatherpaw- orange and brown tabby she- cat

Icepaw- white she-cat

Mistpaw- gray she- cat

Blackpaw- black tom

Queens- Lillypetal- light gray she-cat expecting Blazeeye's kits.

Elders- none


Leader- Mothstar- black tom

Deputy- Nightshade- dark gray tom- mentor to Flamepaw


Hawkscar- Brown- and- black striped tom

Snowfur- White she- cat

Berrytail- Brown she- cat

Apprentices -

Flamepaw- Brave ginger tom

Queens- Icelilly- white calm she-cat

Elders- none

Chapter 1

Mistpaw sat patiently waiting to leave to her first gathering. It had only been a moon since she had become an actual apprentice and since then there had not been any gatherings. The moon had risen when Soulstar, the leader of their clan, had climbed to the top of Moon Rocks.

Mistpaw stood at the bottom while Soulstar called to the clan, "Let every cat old enough to catch their own prey gather here."

Heads raised up and bodies gathered close to Mistpaw. Soulstar opened her mouth again as she said, "As you know, tonight we have a gathering to go to. The clans have already gone but we must show our new comer how to behave at one." Soulstar said sarcastically.

Mistpaw rolled her eyes at her remarks, everyone knew how to act at their first gathering. Soulstar turned and climbed down the rocks. She led the way down to the small area were the gathering was held at full moon.

When they entered the clearing between all the clan's territories, the area looked so small. There were cats everywhere crawling around. When Soulstar took his place in the oak tree, the crowd went silent. Mothstar cleared his throat before speaking, "Lightningclan has had well hunting this past moon and we are counting on the same this future moon." he paused, "We recently have lost a warrior in a battle... Tigerpool now hunts with Starclan. That is all." He nodded to Stormstar.

"We too have had a well hunting moon. We have also had three more kits added to our clan. Shimmersky has introduced Treekit, Darkkit, and Snowkit. We have also had a new apprentice, Firepaw." Murmurs flooded the clearing before Soulstar turned to face the clans.

"We too have added an apprentice to our clan, Mistpaw has reached her sixth moon. That is all we have new in our clan." he ended.

Mothstar turned to the clans again and then added, "If that is all then the clans are free to share tongues." the leaders jumped down from their trees when the cats started to mingle together.

Mistpaw sat alone for a few heart beats until she turned around when a tom spoke, "You're Mistpaw right?" She froze and then finally nodded. "I'm Flamepaw- from Lightningclan".

"Um- Hi!" Mistpaw murmured awkwardly.

"How's hunting been in you're clan? Soulstar never comments on you're prey."

Suddenly feeling protective Mistpaw commented, "Just as good as anyone else! and why do you care how our clan is doing?"

Flamepaw's pelt bristled, but he then smoothed it back down after remembering he was at a gathering. "I was just curious. So is it true that Moonclan has a special connection to Starclan through one of its cats?"

Mistpaw tilted her head in confusion, "I haven't heard of that. I don't think so, but maybe..." she thought a moment and then shrugged.

"I heard it when I was just a kit. I always dreamed I had special powers or something." he lowered his head as if he was lost in a memory.

"You actually believe in nursery tales?" Mistpaw meowed playfully.

"Well, what did you hear when you were a kit, since that wasn't so long ago." he chuckled.

"I never listened to nursery tells, I was busy training myself to hunt!" she said braggingly.

"To hunt what, leaves?" he teased.

Mistpaw could almost feel her heart about to beat out of her chest from embarrassment. But there was something about him that made him different from the rest of the cats. His scent was sweet and comforting. She held the scent in her nose for a moment before saying, "Well I was just a kit, you have to remember." changing the subject she said, "How long before you can become a warrior?"

"Not that long, my final assessment is only a moon away!" He meowed with joy. "I still remember becoming an apprentice, I was so excited to see all the forest I could, and now... I will be a warrior!"

Mistpaw's heart filled with excitement for him. She couldn't wait until the day she became a warrior. Fear suddenly struck her, what if she had to fight him in battle. Would he hurt her or would she have to hurt him? She shook her head, they weren't even friends, they were in different clans. But something in her heart told her she needed him in her life to live. Was she falling in love with Flamepaw? She was only an apprentice and he was in a different clan for Starclan's sake!

"Well I should go, my clan is leaving! I guess I will see you at the next gathering!" Flamepaw turned away and headed for Lightningclan's camp. Mistpaw felt an emptiness inside her. She looked up at the rising sun and made a wish that she would see him again.

Soulstar climbed up a pile of rocks and shouted, "Moonclan! It is time to leave!" Then she hopped down. Poppyheart wondered around finding the rest of the clan. Mistpaw followed the clan out of the clearing, trying to leave all of her feelings behind. She could still smell Flamepaw's warm scent drifting through the wind.

"Are you okay?" Mistpaw jumped when she realized Blackpaw was talking to her. "You look worried."

Mistpaw stuttered out her words carefully, taking care not to mention Flamepaw, "Uh- yes! I'm fine!" She looked into Blackpaw's eyes trying to convince him that her lie was the truth.

"Well if you need anything just let me know, I am always her for you!" he smiled and trotted to where Brightwing was talking to Smallpool.

Mistpaw let her mind wander off to Flamepaw. She remembered everything he had said and how sweet his voice was. It was as if the world slowed down and she was the only one moving. For a second she was convinced that time had really slowed down but she shook her head thinking she was crazy to think such stupid things.

When the end of the day came Mistpaw was ready to fall asleep. She worked harder that day than she had in long time, the whole time she was trying to keep Flamepaw off of her mind but he somehow wandered back in.

When she made it into the Apprentice's den, she found Blackpaw's nest next to her's. Mistpaw rolled her tongue when her stomach curled at the thought of sleeping that close to Blackpaw. "Hey!" Blackpaw's familiar voice flooded her ears. "I was hoping you would come soon. I need to talk to you!"

Mistpaw froze, she hoped with all of her heart that he wouldn't say anything about him wanting her. "Okay," she finally breathed out.

"I know you're only an apprentice but I want to ask you something." Mistpaw sat down with her heart thudding for what seemed to be a tortuous moon until he finally said, "I think- I think- I think I love you!"

Mistpaw closed her eyes and prayed to Starclan that she was dreaming but when she opened her eyes she found that she was still sitting in front of the cat that loved her.

Blackpaw trotted over to her and sat down next to her. Mistpaw liked how his fur warmed her. She only wished that he was Flamepaw, but the reality of everything was that she could almost have a tom who loved her.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He finally said after awhile.

"Sure!" Mistpaw meowed trying to answer his question. They both walked out of the den into the cool night air. They trotted over to a small pool under the moonlight and sat down, staring into it. Mistpaw felt peaceful for the first time since she had met Flamepaw. "It's very quiet". She said.

Blackpaw turned to look at her only to say, "That's why I came here." he moved closer to Mistpaw and licked her ear. "I know this is fast but I need to know-" he paused for only a heartbeat. "When we are both Warriors do you... want to be mine?" Mistpaw lost her breath and couldn't find anything to say.

Even though she was in the same clan as him, she still couldn't decide what she wanted. She knew she could not be with Flamepaw, so why couldn't she be with Blackpaw? She finally got out, "I guess so..."

Blackpaw let out a breath of excitement. He got up and left her alone by the pool. Mistpaw couldn't believe what had just happened. He loved her, but she didn't love him. Wishing that Starclan could have stopped him, she too got up and left the pool.

That was fast! She thought. It seemed that he was trying to rush it. She shrugged her shoulders, if only he had picked someone else!

On her way back to the den she looked up at the stars once again. She stopped breathing when millions of stars flashed through the sky. At that moment she felt her head spin, she lost her balance and fell to the ground her eyes shut and the last thing she saw was a glowing cat figure standing in front of her.

You can also follow this book on Fanfiction!

Book I'm looking forward to

The Last Hope (Warriors:Omen of the Stars #6)

The end of the stars draws near. Three must become four to battle the darkness that lasts forever...

After countless moons of treachery, Tigerstar's Dark Forest apprentices are ready to lay siege upon the warrior Clans. As the Clan cats seek out their allies and enemies, Jayfeather, Lionblaze & Dovewing search desperately for the fourth cat who is prophesied to lead the Clans to victory - and who may be their only hope for survival.

Expected publication: December 8th 2012 by HarperCollins Canada / Warriors